Wang Jiangping, Vice Minister Of The Ministry Of Industry And Information Technology, Led Party And Goverment Officials Of Hubei Province To Inspect And Guide Chengli

(reporter Zou Wentao) On March 16, Chengli Group finally ushered in the day of full-scale resumption of work in the peaceful atmosphere of spring breeze and sunshine. On this important day, leaders of the state, provinces and cities did not forget to care for Chengli Group and give it important help.


On the afternoon of the same day, Wang Jiangping, the head of the material security group of the Central Steering Group and the vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, led the responsible comrades such as the Ministry of Transport and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the party and government officials such as Hubei Provincial Economic and Information Commissioner Wang Qiyang. Accompanyed to the Chengli Group to inspect and guide the work.


Cheng Aluo (third from right), general manager of Chengli Automobile Group, accompanied the visiting inspection team leaders to visit Chengli Automobile Industrial Park and production workshop.


Although it is the first day of resumption of work, a clean and orderly workshop is a prerequisite for ensuring production capacity.


General Manager Cheng Aro told the leaders of the research team in detail about the current comprehensive recovery and production of the Group, as well as the specific problems and temporary difficulties it faces.

Wang Jiangping, the leader of the material security team of the Central Steering Group and deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, carefully understood the general situation of Cheng Aluo's production work, and affirmed the outstanding contribution of Chengli Group in the fight against the epidemic. The high-quality and high-tech products of the medical and health equipment to fight the epidemic produced by the Li Group have been highly recognized.

Vice Minister Wang Jiangping made a detailed visit to the medical ambulance produced by Chengli Group.

The inspection team leaders carefully listened to the introduction of the company's new high-tech medical rescue equipment by the general manager Cheng Aluo.

Cheng Aluo, general manager of Chengli Automobile Group, accompanied the leaders of the inspection team to visit the new industrial park of Chengli Automobile Group.

Wang Jiangping, the head of the material security group of the central steering group and vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that he will fully support Chengli Automobile Group to fully restore production capacity to meet market demand while implementing accurate epidemic prevention and control. To grab back the market, everything is the focus of development. At the same time, in the context of the current epidemic prevention and control policies, we will give great support to help resolve some of the difficulties currently facing enterprises.

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