Create sales management corps, plowing the specialized automobile channel system ---- CLW Group establishes the national provinces (including municipalities directly under the Central Government) regional sales general manager responsibilit

"No special-purpose automobile not Chengli, strong sales Xing Chengli"; August 1, is the Chinese People's Liberation Army was founded 67 years of Army Day. CLW Group takes this as an opportunity to establish regional sales management corps in each province of the country to pay tribute to the August 1 Army Day.The high-level executives of the group company who attended this meeting were Mr. Cheng Daoguo, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Cheng Guoqiang, Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Guo Chuanwen, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Yang Zuowen, Director of the Office of the Board of Directors, Mr. Cheng Alo, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Yuan Changcai, Secretary of the CPC Party Committee, Mr. Zhu Wu, General Manager of the Group, and Wang Chunlong, General Manager of Sales, as well as the high-level executives of the Group and some of the middle-level cadres.

Group Chairman Cheng A Luo and Party Secretary Comrade Yuan Changcai made an important speech and summarized the meeting; subsequently, the senior leaders of the Group announced the appointment of the provincial general manager documents, and for the provinces (including municipalities directly under the Central Government) regional sales general manager, issued a certificate of appointment.

The sales of specialized automobile and emergency equipment products is the key to the sustainable and steady development of the Group. New target tasks have been put forward through the work arrangement of the regional sales general manager of each province in the country. The regional sales general manager of each province is required to take responsibility for the sales business, bidding, and channel construction, out-of-city joint investment, qualification authorization, platform development and other businesses in the administrative region to which he belongs, and to carry out effective performance appraisal. In addition to his own work, the provincial general manager must take out 50% of his time and energy to manage the sales business, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the Group to comprehensively realize the output target at the end of the year. Guarantee.

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